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Curl and https

From: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:29:00 +0100


i am trying to download a file from an https resource via curl, but all
i receive are "Cannot connect to host" timeout-errors. I read a lot of
posts on this list but cannot get the point where something ist wrong.

I checked various things in the environment like firewall etc. but
everything is ok (443 is open).

So, this URL (anonymized) executed via Firefox works well:

It asks for accepting a certificate and after this i can store the file.

Via Curl i only get the connection problem. I asked our network guys to
open Port 80 for testing and this works OK with curl.

The Browsers use an ISA proxy to get to the internet. For the Port 80 it
was not necessary to tell curl about it.

Can anybody give me a hint, where to look after the problem or how a
correct command line must look like.

Thanks for help

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Received on 2008-01-17