Re: Directory Listing
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 14:19:32 -0500
on 01/04/08 12:24 PM Dan Fandrich said:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 12:05:43PM -0500, Matt Wills wrote:
>> Somehow, the actual date is known.
>> The FTP client (Transmit) is correctly displaying the full dates of files
>> going back ten years.
> The date format you showed is unambiguous--dates without a year showing
> are from the most recent such month. If the month is 6 months or so
> in the past, then the year will be displayed as well. The MDTM command
> can also get the date and time to more accuracy, but an ftp client isn't
> going to use that command to get the date because it means a round trip
> for every single file in the directory.
>>>> Dan
I wasn't looking closely enough.
I see the year there, apparently for dates more than a year old. I was
missing them in the hundreds of files in the list.
I should be able to do something with those.
Thanks for opening my eyes.
Received on 2008-01-04