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Re: curl script error

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 16:42:48 -0800

On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 04:20:10PM -0800, Michael Quick wrote:
> Hi,
> Grr, I've been bit by the script bug. Just found out the hard way that
> you can't use 'su -c' in a script if you are trying to grab it from a
> webpage and run it. I get the error "standard in must be a tty". Need
> this to work for end-users, any ideas or workarounds? Anyone see this
> before ? Thanks in advance.

First, what does this have to do with curl? But you might want to consider
sudo for this kind of application instead of su.

>>> Dan

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          Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2007-12-11