Re: Easy "POST" question but cannot figure it out!!
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 08:52:11 -0600
On Nov 16, 2007 12:34 AM, <> wrote:
> When I run the curl operation on the website of interest, i.e.
> curl -vc cookie ""
> the verbose output http header gives me:
> Added cookie session=XXXX for domain, path /, expire 0
> < Set-Cookie: session=XXXX path=/;
> * Added cookie PHPSESSID=AAAA for domain, path /, expire 0
> < Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=AAAA; path=/
> * Replaced cookie session=YYYY for domain, path /, expire 0 <
> Set-Cookie: session=YYYY path=/;
> Question: WHY is it replacing my cookie XXXX with YYYY? I need my cookie
> to be XXXX for logging in to work.
The Set-Cookie lines are all coming from the server. Curl is correctly
updating its cookie collection because the server is telling it to.
Ralph Mitchell
Received on 2007-11-16