How to deal with special characters / character encoding?
From: RM <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:48:37 +0000
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:48:37 +0000
Hi all,
Sorry if this question has an easy answer, but I couldn't find anything on
Google or in the archives.
Running this on the command line (as an example):
curl | grep '<title>'
The title comes back as <title>Wow! Japanās moon probe updates Earthrise - -</title>
The 10th character is an ā (an a circumflex). It should be an ` (top left to
bottom right apostrophe).
So, is there any way I can get curl to bring back the same results as my
browser? Apologies if it's not a curl problem but something else - any help
at all is appreciated though.
Received on 2007-11-15