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Re: Struggling to get curl to upload to drop box

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:33:16 -0700

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 01:10:30PM -0400, Rick Dwyer wrote:
> remote ftp directory configured as a drop box only. The remote directory
> will not let you get a directory listing and any attempt to do so will
> return an error. Therefore I was instructed to issue my commands as PUT
> only in Active mode (passive will be rejected).
> The following is my syntax which I believe to be correct, but the files are
> not arriving in the remote directory and I receive no error message
> indicating my syntax is wrong.
> do shell script ("curl -P -T /TempUploads/ -u
> user/name:mypass")

This will attempt to upload the file into the root directory of the server.
That seems unlikely to be the location you want. Try appending the name
of your drop box on the remote server to the URL in your command. If the
root directory *is* what you want, then please send a log of the session
(using --trace-ascii or -v) so we can see it. It's not just syntax errors
that can cause a problem; in this case, it's likely that the remote server
is replying with some kind of error or status code that will help locate
the problem.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2007-08-27