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Re: Can't install cURL 7.16.4 with SUSE 10.2 i586...

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:16:05 -0700

On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 12:02:56PM +0200, R. wrote:
> Now I've the following rpm's installed :
> user_at_computer:~> rpm -qa | grep curl
> compat-curl2-7.11.0-39
> curl-7.15.5-23
> curlftpfs-0.9-16
> and fuse-2.6.0-9.

SuSE approach to packaging libraries is messed up (which is one of the
reasons I won't touch SuSE as a distro). You can't easily add a newer
library to an existing system; they create those 'compat-' packages to
kludge their way around the problem. Better would be to separate the
library from the applications, so you can have several libraries installed
without conflicts.

> When I try to install the curl-7.16.4-2.i586.rpm for OpenSUSE 10.2 (I
> downloaded it on the download page), I get the following messages :
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> user_at_computer:~> rpm -U curl-7.16.4-2.i586.rpm

What this command does is to remove the old curl and replace it by the new
one. But since the new one has a newer, incompatible version of libcurl,
all your existing apps that depend on that version will break. Instead
you could do 'rpm -i --replacefiles curl-7.16.4-2.i586.rpm' to install the
newer version 'on top' of the older one, leaving the old libraries intact.
The down side to this approach is that 'rpm -V curl' will complain, but
everything ought to work.

But if you're upgrading curl to try to make an older app work properly, this
won't have the effect you want. The older app is stuck with the older
libcurl--you'd have to recompile that app against the new libcurl.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2007-08-18