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Re: FTP transfer stalls (was Re: Issue with install)

From: Maxim Volkov <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 15:22:04 -0700

Thank you for the replay. And sorry about totally unintentional ³thread
hijacking² (I had no idea such concept exists but always something to

The issue is still unresolved and I am looking into alternatives. Manual FTP
works without a problem.


On 8/10/07 3:07 AM, "Daniel Stenberg" <> wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Maxim Volkov wrote:
> Please don't hijack other threads, and please use an appropriate subject.
>> > Result: File gets created on remote server but after 22080 of initial bites
>> > the transfer stops.
> [...]
>> > Can you please point me into right direction?
> Something in your network or on the remote server stops the transfer but
> maintains the connection. It isn't easy for us to guess the exact details.
> Consider a time-out option to make curl fail if the job takes too long.
> --
> Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2007-08-11