Re: Error while opening page contain java aaplet
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 11:01:53 +0530
Sorry it is not a public site.
There was a redirection, so I figured it out problem & solved that by giving
appropriate url which contain applet.
Just one more question?
If an html page contains an applet & if I send that url request with curl
command, will whatever inside applet get perform?
On 8/8/07, Kjell Ericson <> wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2007, parag vibhute wrote:
> > So basically while sending http requrest to url which uses applet to
> > download that zip, I am getting "Java runtime environment is not
> installed"
> > error, what & how curl option I should use to avoid this error?
> Is it a public site so you can show the URL for us? Would help a lot.
> I never get this kind of problem.
> Perhaps the the content of the page has a redirection inside that you have
> missed?
> // Kjell
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