size trouble ?
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 12:09:02 +0200
i'm surprising some browser or download manager gives different size
values for this testfile (real 100 megaoctets
filesize in my HD)
curl and firefox detects 513 Petaoctets
filezilla, iexplore and wget gives 100 megas
i do not know if SIZE command or size displayed in "RETR" server reply
or twice is official (FTP) answer...
******************************************* curl
== Info: About to connect() to port 21 (#0)
== Info: Trying == Info: connected
== Info: Connected to ( port 21 (#0)
<= Recv header, 77 bytes (0x4d)
0000: 220 localhost.localdomain FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2-15.7x.leg
0040: acy) ready.
=> Send header, 16 bytes (0x10)
0000: USER anonymous
<= Recv header, 68 bytes (0x44)
0000: 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as passwor
0040: d.
=> Send header, 22 bytes (0x16)
0000: PASS
<= Recv header, 49 bytes (0x31)
0000: 230-The response '' is not valid
<= Recv header, 63 bytes (0x3f)
0000: 230-Next time please use your e-mail address as your password
<= Recv header, 67 bytes (0x43)
0000: 230- for example: joe_at_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.wanadoo.f
0040: r
<= Recv header, 48 bytes (0x30)
0000: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
=> Send header, 5 bytes (0x5)
0000: PWD
<= Recv header, 31 bytes (0x1f)
0000: 257 "/" is current directory.
== Info: Entry path is '/'
=> Send header, 6 bytes (0x6)
0000: EPSV
== Info: Connect data stream passively
<= Recv header, 48 bytes (0x30)
0000: 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||10314|)
== Info: Trying == Info: connected
== Info: Connecting to ( port 10314
=> Send header, 8 bytes (0x8)
0000: TYPE I
<= Recv header, 20 bytes (0x14)
0000: 200 Type set to I.
=> Send header, 11 bytes (0xb)
0000: SIZE 100M
<= Recv header, 24 bytes (0x18)
0000: 213 577749294136688640
=> Send header, 11 bytes (0xb)
0000: RETR 100M
<= Recv header, 69 bytes (0x45)
0000: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 100M (104857600 byte
0040: s).
== Info: Maxdownload = -1
== Info: Getting file with size: 577749294136688640
<= Recv data, 1460 bytes (0x5b4)
******************************************* wget
Ouverture de session en anonymous...220 localhost.localdomain FTP server
(Version wu-2.6.2-15.7x.legacy) ready.
--> USER anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
--> PASS -wget@
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Session établie!
==> SYST ...
--> SYST
215 UNIX Type: L8
complété. ==> PWD ...
--> PWD
257 "/" is current directory.
==> TYPE I ...
--> TYPE I
200 Type set to I.
complété. ==> CWD n'est pas nécessaire.
conaddr is:
==> PASV ...
--> PASV
227 Entering Passive Mode (211,232,190,6,79,119)
trying to connect to port 20343
Created socket 4.
complété. ==> RETR 100M ...
--> RETR 100M
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 100M (104857600 bytes).
Taille: 104 857 600 (100M) (non certifiée)
0% [
******************************************* filezilla
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Command: FEAT
Response: 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting download of /100M
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PORT 192,168,1,10,9,242
Response: 200 PORT command successful.
Command: RETR 100M
Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 100M
(104857600 bytes).
Command: PWD
Received on 2007-08-07