Permission denied (upload)
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 13:00:18 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, all
I am trying to upload some test file (/dir/test.txt) to a web server after I logged in using curl command line command on Linux:
curl -F File=@dir/test.txt URL
but I got the following message even after I gave access permission to all:
You don't have permission to access /dir/test.txt
on this server
/dir/test.txt: Permission denied. (upload)
There is only one field for the upload form with the name "File". For the "Upload File" button, there is no name for it,so I just ignore it. Is this the possible reason for the above message?
Also, when I logged in I used curl -u user:password URL. Actually there is still one hidden field which I didn't use when I logged in. Is this hidden field the possible cause for the above massage? If it is, how do I need to add to the command: curl -u user:password URL?
Thank you very much in advance.
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Received on 2007-04-18