cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: SSL certificate problem

From: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:18:28 +0400

Ravi, good day.

Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 01:05:23PM +0530, Ravi Dhanshetty wrote:
> 4.We also have trial root and intermediate CA certificates from Verisign

Do you have that root and intermediate CA certificates in
the curl-ca-bundle.crt (in a PEM format)? If yes, then try to spawn
openssl against your client and/or server certificate:

openssl -issuer_checks -verbose -untrusted curl-ca-bundle.crt -CAfile curl-ca-bundle.crt your-certificate.PEM

I do not know how CURL processes the trust chains (not looked into the
code yet, sorry), but the check above will help to make sure that
the chain is good and everything is in place.

Received on 2007-03-30