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Re: Curl command for FTPS (TLS)

From: Sachin Sisodia <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:43:30 +0800

Hi Daniel

Thanks for your response on this. I know that difference is only version as
you told. But I am not sure whether our service can handle TLS and to ensure
this, we need to test the same and I have only one option i.e. "curl" for
the same.

Earlier we were using mentioned curl command to post files to internal
service and I am not sure whether this curl command support SSL
version 2.0or SSL version
3.1 (TLS).

As per your suggestion, if I use "-1" option then, I can make sure that it
is TLS only.

Looking for your favorable response on the same.



On 1/31/07, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Sachin Sisodia wrote:
> > We got a requirement to test the FTPS (over TLS). Earlier we were using
> > (over SSL) and post file to our server and invoke its service through
> the
> > following curl command:
> Exactly what is the difference between TLS and SSL here according to you?
> SSLv3 is the protocol that later was turned into TLSv1 when standardized,
> and
> the SSL libs we use detect and use the "proper" version automatically.
> > curl -E RANG00001-CC.pem --key RANG00001-CC-KEY.pem -k -v
> --connect-timeout
> > 300 -T file_3MB.txt -P --ftp-ssl
> >
> ... and this server speaks TLS only? And what happens, doesn't this work?
> > I would appreciate if anyone can let me know what changes are required
> in
> > above command to post file over TLS instead of SSL.
> Try the -1/--tlsv1 option to force TLSv1 in the SSL/TLS layer negotiation.
> By default, curl will send the "AUTH SSL" command first and then "AUTH
> TLS" on
> the control connection when trying to activate FTP-SSL, but the command
> line
> client has no option to switch this order (although the library knows
> how).
> And the exact command name doesn't matter anwyay, since both commands
> could
> very well negotiate SSL or TLS, depending on the previously mentioned
> option
> and what the server wants.
> --
> Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2007-01-31