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Re: Problem with -T -

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:34:04 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Corey Jewett wrote:

> I spent a while googling around and it looks like this is probably a problem
> with my provider, but it also seemed possible that it's an untested edge
> case.
> I'm trying to pipe stdin to a WebDAV server, but once the 100 Continue comes
> back nothing happens. Curl reports 0 for everything. After 5 minutes the
> server kicks me back a 413, content too large.
> $ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=10 |curl -k --digest --user
> -vvv -T - >
> out

This operation takes 5 minutes? I take it uploading 10K should be fairly fast?
Using "--trace-ascii <file> --trace-time" might bring some more clues than
just -v (and -vvv is the same as plain -v).

> If I write the dd to disk and then use -T <file> it works like a champ.

The only difference between -T - and -T <file> is that the former makes use of
"transfer-encoding: chunked". To me it sounds as if your receiving server has
problems to receive a PUT using chunked encoding.

You could use the --trace options on both transfers and compare the
differences to see if you detect anything noteworthy.

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Received on 2007-01-29