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Re: Behavior of -D and -c options in curl

From: imran shaik <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:06:19 -0800 (PST)

imran shaik <> wrote: Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 07:27:48 -0800 (PST)
From: imran shaik <>
Subject: Re: Behavior of -D and -c options in curl
To: the curl tool <>

  I think I got what I needed this time. Probably I didn't put up my words clearly.
>-D dumps the headers to the file as soon as they are received.
>> What is the behavior of -c when writing cookies?
>They are written to the file when the 'CURL' handle is closed, which is >at the
>end of all the redirects.
  Thats fine. But when are they read and how are they read? If 3 cookies are dumped during 2 redirects, among which the first one is a session cookie that is needed for each redirection, then how do i read that?
  Dont I need -b dumped_headers option there?How would I know how many redirects were made? How was this behaviour in older vesrsions of curl. I see that they were automatically read and parsed and sent from the dumped headers file. But now I need an explicit -b option if I am using -D. Is that true?
  In such cases -c could be better rite? As it puts everything in memory for subsequent redirects?

Daniel Stenberg <> wrote: On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, imran shaik wrote:

> A small modification to my question:
> Does -D dumps cookies for each URL or at the end of handling all the URLs?

-D dumps the headers to the file as soon as they are received.

> What is the behavior of -c when writing cookies?

They are written to the file when the 'CURL' handle is closed, which is at the
end of all the redirects.

> curl -L -c "hello"
> Suppose the above command follows 3 URLs seeing Location in header.
> I need a timeline status of the contents of "hello" file after each URL is
> followed.

Then -c won't be your friend.

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Received on 2007-01-16