Cookie problem
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 14:24:54 -0000
I have been using cURL successfully for a few months and it has bees very helpful.
I notice that this list is powered by 'MailMan' which my University has just migrated to.
I want to be able to manage lists automatically by uploading files of users.
Access to the Admin interface is managed by a Cambridge written Web Authentication routine called RAVEN
When I try to access a protected page I am directed to the authentication prompt. Clicking this sets a cookie for the listserver which I can save to file. Submitting the user ID and password sets another cookie for Raven. However when I am automatically directed back to the page I originally requested the listserver site modifies the cookie that it initially set. I can capture the first cookie but cannot seem to get the second.
I can 'harvest' a valid authentication key by manual means and the rest of the cURL commands I have written work just fine.
How can I update the listserver cookie?
Received on 2006-12-14