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Re: CURL return Values

From: Muhammad Rizwan Khan <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 07:49:54 -0800 (PST)

>>post a patch with a fix if you think we should correct the example.
Plz let me know the way how to do this,

On other node, Can you plz help me in my other post i.e. soap header issue,
You told me that few people have already done this, plz let me know they
did that in C++ or php, i need your help for my c++ code, im exactly using
http-post.c file (provided in sample programs) but our soap based webservice
can not regozine its request, and giving some unrecognize request error,,

Thanks in Advance

Daniel Stenberg <> wrote: On Fri, 8 Dec 2006, Muhammad Rizwan Khan wrote:

> Thanks for your reply, but this example has quite a number of errors, like:

No, those are warnings and yes it is an *example*. You're free to edit it to
do and work exactly as you want.

Or post a patch with a fix if you think we should correct the example.

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Received on 2006-12-08