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RE: Changing to a directory on MVS

From: Lisa M Saichompoo <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:47:17 -0800

Adding an additional slash made it interrupt the directory I wanted as
/teddy1 which doesn't exist. Good suggestion though. I know on the
mainframe system if you sign in as the user frog, in order to change to
teddy you have to do... cd 'teddy1'

I don't know if there is an equivalent in curl.


curl -v --ftp-ssl -K /u02/scripts/loads/ftpssl_frog1.txt --use-ascii

-T "/u02/downloads/hris/flexuploads/" ftp://server//teddy1


Without the extra slash ftp://server/teddy1 it assumes the directory
structure of frog.teddy1 instead of teddy1

Received on 2006-11-30