cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


problem using curl to grab cgi script output

From: Ian Downard <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:34:32 -0500

I'm trying to use curl to grab the output of a cgi script, which gets invoked
after I submit a username and password on an authentication page. Here's my

curl -d "Username=myuser&Password=mypass&press=Submit"

to which curl only outputs the following line:

</html>r>/tr></table> colspan=2><IMG SRC=../images/clear.gif BORDER=0
WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=5></td></tr>

When I actually login in via Firefox, I get my HTML formatted calendar which I
expect from the cgi program. Why is curl only giving me this one line, and not
my HTML formatted calendar?

Thanks for any help.

Received on 2006-11-22