Help with Javascript based submit button
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:20:59 -0500
Happy Sunday Everyone,
I am try to use curl to automate the dowloading of a daily file. I am able
to login and select the criteria to be submitted through the curl command:
Curl>curl -v -u xxxxx:xxxxx "
This returns the page I need to get to and all of the form values needed.
What is the next step to get the submit button to submit? it is not as
simple as &submit=true.
<A HREF="javascript:document.ExecDataDownload.submit()" onmouseover="
self.status='Download'; return true;" onmouseout="self.status=''; return
true;"><script>document.write("<IMG alt='Download' border='0'
Here is what the form source looks like:
After you click the 'Download' button, you will be prompted to save a
file with a .csv extension to your hard drive or designated
Once the file has been saved, it can be accessed via
spreadsheet, accounting, or portfolio management software
<input type=hidden name=DAcctNum value="xxxxxx">
<input type=hidden name=EdgeRegID value="xxxxxx">
<input type=hidden name=HashedEdgeRegID value="xxxxxxxxx">
<input type=hidden name=appName value="pwedge">
<input type=hidden name="PWS_USAID" value="">
<input type=hidden name=EdgeClientSegment value="xxxxxx">
<A HREF="javascript:document.ExecDataDownload.submit()"
onmouseover="self.status='Download'; return true;" onmouseout="self.status='';
return true;"><script>document.write("<IMG alt='Download' border='0'
<A HREF="javascript:document.ExecDataDownload.reset()"
onmouseover="self.status='Reset'; return true;" onmouseout="self.status='';
return true;"><script>document.write("<IMG alt='Reset' border='0'
Thank you for your suggestions!
Received on 2006-11-19