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Re: No Errorcode in commandline will be returned even http errors occ ured

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:39:51 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, TP wrote:

> I´m using curl für commandline (Version 7.15.4). When I try to upload to a
> http - webspace i see the error "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" but the
> returncode is 0, although the comandlineparameter -f is set.


> How can I detect this error from the commandline?

This is a bug in libcurl (for the 401 response code), so you need to make a
work-around. I think you can use -w to get the HTTP response code and use that
to detect this problem.

I'll try to fix this problem for the next curl release.

  Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2006-10-25