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Re: session hangs, suppress "Expect: 100-continue"?

From: clemens fischer <>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2006 20:28:30 +0200

On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 23:31:08 +0200 (CEST) Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, clemens fischer wrote:
>> Is there a way to suppress command line curls sending an "Expect;
>> 100-continue" header when using the `-F' or `--form-string' options?
> -H "Expect:"

ok, i found that one out by googling. it might be nice to explicitly
state this way of removing a header in the manual. it _is_ mentioned,
but how about "eg. remove a header by giving an empty value", or "eg.
`-H "Expect:"' to remove this header"?

> [on submit buttons]
> First, it would be easy for you to check what your browser sends...

i used tcpdump and ngrep for this, unfortunately both have the tendency
to omit detail on packet boundaries. for example, i could see a MIME
boundary, but no value and so on. freebsd's supplied tcpdumps `-A'
(ASCII dump) is broken, and i just found out about the ethereal ->
wireshark renaming.

> But no, it has no name property so it can't be sent off in the post.

thanks for your help. watching how the browser did it allowed me
finally to get the auto-submitter working. curl proved to be the most
flexible tool for this task!

regards, clemens
Received on 2006-10-09