Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:41:29 -0700
Problem Description:
The libcurl library is not getting compiled in Solaris server.
I am trying to include FTPS (FTP over SSL) functionality in one of our application. The application is already using libcurl library for transferring files. Current libcurl we are using doesn't support FTPS. Hence, I downloaded latest libcurl code and openssl code for compilation. In AIX, I am able to build libcurl library with OpenSSL enabled. But, in Solaris server, the command fails to pick up OpenSSL library.
The configure script throws following error:
configure: WARNING: SSL disabled, you will not be able to use HTTPS, FTPS, NTLM and more.
configure: WARNING: Use --with-ssl or --with-gnutls to address this.
The complete command for configure is: ./configure --with-ssl="/home/parthiv/openssl-0.9.8b".
Could you provide some suggestion to successfully compile libcurl in solaris.
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Received on 2006-09-13