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Re: installing curl under windows

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 11:09:06 -0700

On Sat, Sep 09, 2006 at 02:27:34PM +0100, ron wrote:
> Totally new to curl, trying to install it under windows (XP). I have
> downloaded curl-7.15.5 following the documentation; I think I have the right
> version. It is sitting on my desktop, but what do I do with it now? I have
> read the ?installation files? and I can?t find the file it says to run, namely
> 'mingw32.bat' to set the correct variables, this is following the instructions
> listed here ( The download I have
> doesn?t contain this file!!! What do I do? Thanks, Ron

It's unclear if you're installing curl from the source or from a binary
package. If you're a newbie, you probably want a binary package in which
case the instructions at that link won't help you (as the instructions
themselves say). Use the download wizard at
to help you select the proper binary package to install.

If you are truly trying to install from source, it's trickier. I believe
the mingw32.bat file is part of the MingW32 compiler package.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2006-09-09