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Re: Re: Does --trace-ascii option work on Windows?

From: John Bowen <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 15:11:03 -0700

Thanks, Dan. Yes, I did supply a file name. In fact, I tried to keep
all of the arguments as close to the same as possible to the Mac
version, other than Unix paths changed to Windows directories. (/ and

I'm trying to get the syntax right, but I just don't have that much
experience with it. I needed to use enough options that I felt the -K
configfile was the correct way to go.

In this example I'm not able to get the trace output to save anywhere,
but from talks with the person at the server site, my form post syntax
may be wrong. (He says he only receives the first element sent with
-F, not the other 3).

# POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data
-F "Function=Upload"
-F "Source=EDI"
-F "Filename=@C:\mbedi\uploadfile.txt"
-F "AuthenticationID=<C:\mbedi\authenticationid.txt"

As I read the manual, with a config file, I can use the -F option
several times, one on each line. Is this correct?

Here is the complete config file:

# edi_config2 - Configuration parameters for curl, part 2

--cookie-jar C:\mbedi\curlcookies.txt
--dump-header C:\mbedi\curlheader2.txt

# POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data
-F "Function=Upload"
-F "Source=EDI"
-F "Filename=@C:\mbedi\uploadfile.txt"
-F "AuthenticationID=<C:\mbedi\authenticationid.txt"

# Include the HTTP-header in the output.
# Explicitly allows curl to perform insecure SSL connections and transfers.

# Automatically switch to GET after the initial POST has been done.

# We want a 3 minute timeout:
-m 180
-o C:\mbedi\curlout2.txt

--stderr C:\mbedi\curlerror2.txt
# full trace dump of all incoming and outgoing data, ASCII part
--trace-ascii C:\mbedi\curltrace2.txt

# just hard code the URL here
# this is the ending comment


On 8/25/06, Dan Fandrich <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 02:26:05PM -0700, John Bowen wrote:
> > Hello all. I am new to cURL. I'm trying to debug a couple of cURL POST
> > operations. It works on the Mac, but not on Windows.
> >
> > I tried --trace-ascii, but it seems to have no effect, no output at all.
> You did give --trace-ascii a file name, didn't you?
> >>> Dan
> --
> The web change of address service
> Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2006-08-26