cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: Use cURL with proxy-firewall Cisco ASA

From: MARMOLLE Frank <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:02:04 +0200

-----Message d'origine-----
De :
[]De la part de Ralph Mitchell
Envoyé : mardi 22 août 2006 12:03
À : the curl tool
Objet : Re: Use cURL with proxy-firewall Cisco ASA

On 8/22/06, MARMOLLE Frank <> wrote:
> We don't use any browser. Just cURL on the client server, and the proxy-firewall Cisco ASA.
> I believe LiveHHTPHeaders is only for Mozilla Firefox webrowser.

The point of using LiveHTTPHeaders is to find out exactly what passes
between a browser and a server. You would use a browser to make a
test upload to the server, with LiveHTTPHeaders recording the process.
 Then you write a script to emulate the information exchanges involved
in that upload.

Ralph Mitchell


We did some tests with internet explorer, by using Achille as sniffer. And we saw that our proxy-firewall answers an HTTP reply with HTML including a popup.
As D. Stenberg wrote, we should try with the -L/--location option of cURL.
Received on 2006-08-22