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Re: Building curl 7.15.3 with cygwin

From: Brian Dessent <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:05:39 -0700 wrote:

> Can curl be built with cygwin?

Of course it can, though apparently not 7.15.3. In fact you can just
select curl in the setup.exe and use the prepackaged binaries (which are
currently maintained by me.)

> Has anyone successfully built curl-7.15.3 on cygwin? If no, what build environment should I use for the Windows platform?

7.15.3 has a problem in that it tries to include both winsock2.h and
sys/socket.h. This is bad, as it causes tons of stuff to be redefined.
It is not Cygwin's fault, it was some change in curl. I'll see about
posting a patch.

Received on 2006-06-07