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Re: Problem downloading & saving to local file Win32

From: Don MacLean <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:28:41 -0300 (E. South America Standard Time)

Ok, Thanks Dan

I have used your suggestion of the Lynx -force _ html - dump - anonymous
tempfile.htm routine and it works fine ..except I have omitted the del
tempfile.htm command line. The resulting file now allows me to edit out all
non table data in a QB program and re-write the file with table data only.

Thanks for all your help

regards.. Don
-------Original Message-------
From: the curl tool
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:19:42 PM
Subject: Re: Problem downloading & saving to local file Win32
On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 10:33:12PM -0300, Don MacLean wrote:
> The double quotes around the URL fixed the problem re identical data. I
> look into the archives to see if I can find info on Piping into other
> to get a plain text output. I am not only new to curl but text web
browsers in
> general.

If you can find Windows versions of lynx or w3m, then it should be as simple

curl -o tempfile.htm http://URL
lynx -force_html -dump -anonymous tempfile.htm
del tempfile.htm

or with w3m:

curl http://URL | w3m -dump -T text/html -o frame=0 -o meta_refresh=0 -o

>>> Dan
-- The web change of address service
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Received on 2006-04-13