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Re: script help

From: Doug McNutt <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:45:44 -0600

At 12:10 -0400 4/10/06, Blurry wrote:
>You all have been helping with trying to script a login session. The
>user experience
>1) Key in URL
>2) Get password screen
>3) enter creds
>4) get final page.
>But there is alot more going on, I have curl logging in and getting
>part of the way but I can't get past step #5. If you see the entire
>process below, am I kidding myself trying to write a script that does
>all that to load ONE FRICKIN page !!!

And it can get worse with a requirement to read the html from a page to get the effective copy of a pseudo cookie that has to be returned in a later POST.

You do need to look at either the LiveHTTP headers or, my preference, the log file from iCab on a Mac. You're likely to find a random number in a POST that comes out of a previous html page.


These are not really ready for public release because they are fairly specific to the Linux and Mac OS boxes I'm using here but they might contribute some ideas or act as a starting point.

If a site returns a gif or png with an E-Tag it can be excluded unless something indicates otherwise like a very short file (43 bytes) that really is there to provide a new cookie.

--> Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. <--
Received on 2006-04-10