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Re: comma separator for file upload

From: Sugam Jain <>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 12:53:29 -0800

On 3/17/06, Dan Fandrich <> wrote:
> > So i see that its documented that curl uses "," as a filename
> > separator. We're building some batch scripts and cant guarantee that
> > users wont have commas in the filenames. Is there a workaround, or a
> > method to escape true commas in filenames so we can support these
> > users and not change the name on them behind their back?
> Where does it say that? I only see it mentioned as part of the {} syntax,
> which can be turned off using the --globoff option. If you're dealing with
> URLs, you can always URL escape commas with %2c

If you go here <> then to
HTTP (POST) you'll see what i mean. I'm specifically talking about
file upload using HTTP Post with form values. When you are putting in
a form
value for the file upload, it unfortunately uses comma as a separator.
 Is there a workaround to this? I'd like to be able to support
filenames with commas in them (as there is no reason they cant
necessarily have commas)

Received on 2006-03-18