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Re: gnutls_handshake() failed: -8

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 19:13:14 -0800

On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 09:30:51PM -0500, Dorr, Brad wrote:
> Dan,
> I am new to curl so maybe I just have the syntax wrong. I want to retrieve a file from the spot where the login drops me when I connect to their site is this syntax correct. it doesn't retrieve any files.
> curl --ftp-ssl -1 -S --trace-ascii curltrace.trc --cacert /opt/TWWfsw/curl715/share/verisign4_b64_all.pem --cert-type PEM -vu DCH00YU:gu83u8usd01l
> the port I need is 11250.

You need to give the file name as part of the URL, e.g. will get a file called file_i_want
from your home directory, where you get dropped after login.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2006-01-27