cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Proxy authentication

From: Davies, Simon <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 12:11:54 +1100

I'm using curl (7.15.1) to send/receive files from a server using the following command:
'curl -v -# --cacert C:\TEMP\TMSAuto-test\cURL\curl-ca-bundle.crt -u username:password --trace-ascii tracedn.txt -o C:\TEMP\TMSAuto-test\test\EDXNTHIP.1843 ttps://' (https deliberately broken).

The things is, our clients have implemented a proxy server that requires authentication. Could someone confirm for me that the -U option will not interfere with the -u?
I have in mind something like this:
'curl -v -# -p [proxy IP]:{port #} -U UID:pwd --cacert C:\TEMP\TMSAuto-test\cURL\curl-ca-bundle.crt -u username:password --trace-ascii tracedn.txt -o C:\TEMP\TMSAuto-test\test\EDXNTHIP.1843 ttps://' (https deliberately broken).


Simon Davies
Mainframe Programmer
Territory Housing Team

Fujitsu Australia
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Received on 2006-01-06