Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:02:57 +0100
curl allows telnet functionnality
syntax is curl telnet://<remote>
curl doesn t manage the user password, and it is to user to catch the
prompt and send the user identification.
interest of curl is i think a complete protocal connect management from
just a command line, as it does for http, ftp,..
with telnet, this advantage is not implemented, and a simple script
including telnet command seems to do the same
i have done some test, and can t find a solution , from a script
including curl telnet, to pass automaticaly the user/id to continue the
telnet connexion
so should be possible to have an improvement of telnet in curl including
the management of user identificatin while connection (even if it is
not in the protocol and can t be treated directly)
curl telnet://<remote> -u <user/pass>
curl will do the telnet connexion, will cath the return prompt, send the
user/id , test the results, etc , to return finaly the command result
it should be nice for me, because i should have a telnet command
inheriting of curl benefits( (proxy management, ...)
in it is not, how can i from a shell script including curl telnet
syntax, provide the user/id in continue
thanks for an answer
-- Philippe BaudryReceived on 2005-12-20