Not Getting Error Messages using curl_easy API in C (New User)
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 11:51:16 -0800 (PST)
[input] [input] [input] [input] Dear All:
I'm involved in a small project using curl. The goal is to collect pages from a local server. When I test with an Invalid URL, I'm hoping to get an error to handle. However what I'm getting is an error page downloaded and written to disk.
Is there away to gain an error code to allow error handling?
I've attempted to use;
if(curl_easy_getinfo(ctxHttps->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &lCurlResponse != CURLE_OK)
report error
I don't appear to be getting valid error returns.
Are there any suggestions from vetrans?
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Received on 2005-11-17