cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Install Question

From: Doug McNutt <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:38:31 -0600

At 10:50 -0400 9/27/05, Bob Cohen wrote:
>I tried letting it find curl. . .

Think about temporarily altering the name of the old curl entities (in /usr/lib according to Ralph) and then, with the old names, making a hard or symbolic link to the files or directories you want to be used. That could avoid recompiling php or Apache.

man ln

At 21:54 -0400 9/26/05, Bob Cohen wrote:
>How would I know which shell executes PHP, which by the way is involved with Apache?

Apache is probably owned by root and is started up at boot time. I doubt that you have any access to the shell that started it up and it may have been forked away.

--> On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will would make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few gigayears of history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of evolution. <--
Received on 2005-09-27