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Re: FTP of data from an Z/OS system brings ^M at the end of each line

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:53:47 -0500

Can you flip curl into binary mode for FTP?? I don't know - I've never used
curl for FTP, but that looks like linefeeds are being converted to
carriage-return-linefeed, or maybe vice versa. Binary mode *might* take care
of it...

Ralph Mitchell

On 9/26/05, Lisa M Saichompoo <> wrote:
> When using curl in ASCII mode to bring down files, from a Z/OS server, we
> found a carriage return is marked by ^M and appears at every line in the
> files. If we use plain ftp to bring the same data down the carriage return
> does not appear. Is there a way to eliminate the carriage return when using
> curl ftp?
Received on 2005-09-26