cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: Restoring List of Subscribers

From: Alder, Michael <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:39:12 -0600

Please take me off of this list.


[] On Behalf Of Mark Wold
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Restoring List of Subscribers

I had been on the list at one time but have since unsubscribed. You have
now added me back on! Could you please remove me from the list?


On 9/19/05, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:

        The other day lots of files were wiped out (see on the
        server hosting this mailing list. Among other things, the list
of subscribers
        and their configs wanished.
        As always, you find out backup problems once you want to
actually restore lost
        data and this was no exception. The mailing list data simply
wasn't backed up
        on the server.
        I have managed to process certain logs that weren't erased and
restored several
        hundred addresses, but I know there are many that I have missed
        those who subscribed a long time ago).
        These addresses have been added, but NOTE NOTE NOTE that these
were added with
        the default settings. So if you read the mails as 'digest'
before, or possibly
        were using other config settings you must now go to the
curl-users setup page
        and modify your preferences again (and do ask for your password
then, since it
        has of course been reset to a new one).
        These restore work conditions also apply to all other mailing
lists we host on
        the server. If you were subscribed to any other
mailing list
        there, you may need to resubscribe.
        It will take several more days before everything is back to
semi-normal again.
        Please have patience.
        More details and progress reports will be available on the curl
          Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
        curl-users mailing list

M. Wold
Elburn, IL 
Received on 2005-09-21