cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


simple text to/from port

From: Jim Gottlieb <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:06:58 -0700

Hi. I need to send and receive CSV text data to a socket and thought
curl might be a good fit, but I haven't gotten it working.

This works, but is kludgy:

echo "data1,data2,2,60,60,data3,data4,1" | telnet host port

I tried:

echo "data1,data2,2,60,60,data3,data4,1" | curl telnet://host:port/

but the results are inconsistent. It doesn't seem to get all the data.
But sometimes it does.

Is this the wrong tool for the job? Any suggestions? I'm looking for
something that I could use in a shell script.

Received on 2005-09-12