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download of binary objects?

From: Bud P. Bruegger <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:41:17 +0200

Hello everyone,

I hope this is not an FAQ. I found but it didn't
provide enough input...

I would like to use curl to download several CLRs from different CAs, some
via http, some via ldap. My objective is to have an easy to maintain file
with all the (http and ldap) URLs of the CAs.

My problem in particular is how to save binary CRLs to a file. I tried
curl -v -K crls.conf with the file containing:

url "ldap:// ca for citizen,o=vrk-finsign gov.
o fineid.crl

but the file fineid.crl looks like this:

DN: cn=FINSIGN CA for Citizen,o=VRK-FINSIGN Gov. CA,dmdName=FINEID,c=FI
@@@@@@ certificateRevocationList: @@@@@@@@...

(where @ marks some unprintable binary chars).

Is this LDIF format or maybe DER?

Is there a way of telling curl that I want just the value of a single
(binary) attribute, without DN and without attribute labels?

many thanks for any help!


Ing. Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D. +39-0564-488577
(voice), -21139 (fax)
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Received on 2005-08-23