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Basic Authentication from command-line cURL

From: pURbA <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:16:18 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

Just joined curl mailing list today ^_~.

I did my 'homework' first before posting this new
thread. I found out in the May-2005 archives with
subject: 'Post File to HTTPS via cURL at command
line'. But I couldn't find the answer related to my

I am using cURL 7.14.0 on Windows environment.

So, this is the problem that I encounter [I didn't
write -d option for this case, to make it shorter]
1. I try to send an XML message to 3rd party server,
over https connection, using basic authentication
2. Before sending the message, here are the
requirements from the 3rd party:
   + Concatenate the username and password, separating
them with a colon: "username:password"
   + Convert that concatenation into a UTF8 encoded
byte array
   + Convert that array into a BASE64 encoded string
   + Specify the authentication type of 'Basic':
"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
   + Set the resulting string to the Authorization
3. And this what I have done:
   From command prompt I typed:
   + 1st attempt: using plain username and password:
   C:\>curl -v --basic -u
   + 2nd attempt: after calling
utf8_encode(plain_username:plain_password) function
from PHP and stored it into a variable
($thisvariable), call
   C:\>curl -v --basic -u
   + 3rd attempt: $variable =
     After getting this variable
   C:\>curl -v --basic -u "$variable"
4. The results that I got from 3 attempts:
   + 1st and 2nd: '401 Unauthorized'
   + 3rd: asking me a password, since option -u
required 'username:password' pair.

My question are:
1. How can I implement the No.2 requirements in cURL?
2. If I use 1st attempt (plain username:password),
does cURL automatically convert username:password with
base 64?

If somebody can give me pointers, suggestion or
anything related to this problem, I'll appreciate it.

Thanks for your help.


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Received on 2005-07-19