Re: How do I do this?
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:24:45 +0200 (CEST)
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Chris Glon wrote:
> I am running cURL on Sun HW under Solaris:
> curl 7.10.3 (sparc-sun-solaris2.8) libcurl/7.10.3 OpenSSL/0.9.6g zlib/1.1.3
You should consider upgrading. curl has gotten a LOT better since that
> /opt/bin/curl -G -v --trace-ascii - --max-time 15 -o test.out --url
> http://xx.xx.80.249:19710 -d
> "page=1&type=g&scale=100&width=0&height=0&length=6497" --data-binary
> @O205893.pdf
> 0000: GET /?page=1&type=g&scale=100&width=0&height=0&length=6497
> 0040:
> 0080: &%PDF-1.1 HTTP/1.1
Hm, are you sure this is really what you want? To me it looks like the file
has a binary zero in there, and the code that sends the GET string uses a
plain printf("%s") style output and thus do not support sending a binary zero
in the GET string.
But a zero is not a legal letter to use there anyway, which makes me suspect
that you're doing something you don't really want to.
> What I have been wondering is wether I should (can?) send two requests: The
> 128 char string, keep the connection opened, then send in a 2nd step the
> actual file contents.
No, who subsequent curl invokes can never keep the connection alive between
them. But HTTP is stateless, why do you need to keep the connection alive?
-- Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support: on 2005-06-16