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Build error in linking libcurl in WindowXP

From: Jack Rong <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 14:45:15 -0400


I am having problem to build applications using libcurl.lib in WindowsXP
using vc7.1 cl compiler. The error message are:

httpservice.obj: roor LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__curl_easy_cleanup referenced in function _url_close
httpservice.obj: roor LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__curl_easy_init referenced in function _url_open

....... there are many many more similar messages...

But builds of my applications in various unix platforms are successful.

Any idea? Do I miss something?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Jack Rong
Received on 2005-04-20