cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Uploading user-data to printer controller

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:03:04 -0700

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 05:10:30PM +0200, Martijn Balink wrote:
> In the captured packets, I've compared the network packets that my browser
> produces with the post requests that cURL creates (and the packets that the
> printer returns), and I don't see any difference.

Are they byte-for-byte identical, including TCP connection teardowns? The
keep-alive headers you are forcing might interfere with the HTTP protocol
negotiation done by curl itself. Have you tried the --http1.0 option to
force a protocol downgrade to see if there's a bug somewhere related to that?

>>> Dan

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          Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2005-04-14