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Re: Problem with https get in AIX 5.2

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 11:12:31 -0700

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 08:43:56AM -0400, Jack Rong wrote:
> OKey, never mind. It is solved. The version is 1-7.13.1
> The problem is that the build process was looking for openssl library that
> is an outdated version, not the one I freshly built. There is a bug in your
> configure/build script, that is not really looking for default openssl
> location, /usr/local/ssl it claims to be, causing a bit grief. So I have to
> rebuild the curl library explicitly specifying the intended openssl library
> location. That is it....

The "default" /usr/local/ssl location for OpenSSL is only if you use the
--with-ssl option without specifying another location. If you don't use
the --with-ssl option at all, the compiler default locations are used.

>>> Dan

--              The web change of address service
          Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2005-04-14