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Re: upload to browser

From: Magnus Stålnacke <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 04:47:19 +0100

Ralph Mitchell wrote:

>Yep, that's right. Point curl at your browser cookie file, upload the
>images, and curl will save the cookies in the browser cookie file.
>Then crank up your browser and see what happens:
> curl -b cookiefile -c cookiefile .......
>I wouldn't recommend having the browser running while you're uploading
>- there'll probably be a file access collision that may result in no
>cookies being saved.
Thanks, but no luck.

It seemes to upload OK, but when it is time for mozilla
to take over, the site answers that i have not accepted any
cookie, or if i use the mozilla -remote command and
have mozilla allredy on site, it says i did not upload
anything, but doesent complain about the cookie.

The command i tried:

curl -b nada -c /moz.path/cookies.txt -F Image1=@$i

I also tried to upload one image with the browser, to get
a cookie, then let curl upload one more with the -c opt.
No, luck, i guess that site admin must have strange logs
by now, i tried many variants... I think i have to give up,
before they lock my IP out.

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Received on 2005-02-21