cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Problem in between Win32/Linux distribution

From: akede <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:42:22 +0100


I have a wired phenomenon.

I try to access a site which is based on a J2EE Server (Oracle /
Tomcat variation). Basically curl is working fine.

Now I have the situation that my development moved from my dev
environment (Win32) to the productive server (SuSE and RedHat). The
curl versions are nearly the same (7.12) with the similar libs

When I test my calls with the Win32 client everything is fine. On the
Linux plattform the server doesn't accept my J2EE session anymore and
kicks me out of the application.

The totally extreme thing is that, the server doesn't really do a lot
of checks. I tried to call the href curl is getting with a normal
browser and I got the correct page! Any time I try it with curl
(command line or thru the snoopy class I'm using) I get the wrong

Someone has any idea of this problem?


Received on 2005-01-25