cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail



From: Hultström Jonas <>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 11:32:43 +0100


I'm dealing with a html-document with the following java-script:

<!---Hide script from non-JavaScript-compliant browsers---
        function process_form(thisform) {
        var file, description, postIt,messg;


        messg = "\nWARNING - YOU ARE ABOUT TO UPLOAD A FILE\n";
        postIt = confirm(messg);

        if (postIt) {
           return true; }
        else { alert('Cancelled upload of ' + file + '.');
                return false; }
        function validate_and_submit(answer) { return answer; }
// ---Close the HTML comment tag here----></SCRIPT></P>

It just pop ups a window, where one have to click OK to procced.

Its called from a form....

<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" NAME="upload_form" METHOD="Post" ACTION="/cgi-bin/dev/up.cgi" onSubmit='return process_form(this)'>

Is it possible to to make curl process this "click"?

Thank you!

Received on 2004-12-16