cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: cpu i/o wait state bug?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 23:16:54 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Joseph Miller wrote:

> this script is under a load from many users, it acts inappropriately. The
> top command shows that my cpu is using 98%+ of its power in I/O wait, over
> 100% of my cpu is being used (up to even 150%) and my server quits responding
> to input.

I assume you're using curl 7.12.2 on some kind of *nix system.

I would suggest that you try to figure out what the curl processes are doing
when this happens, by using strace/truss on the pid and if that shows nothing
good enough, try run debug-built curl programs and attach gdb to a running one
and break it to see where it is when it misbehaves.

      Daniel Stenberg -- --
       Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2004-12-03