cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


bash script quitting unexpectedly after calling curl from cron job

From: Bill Mercer <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 18:04:10 -0400

I've got a bash script that uses curl to POST a form and save the resulting
page as a file, then does some other stuff with the file. When I run it directly,
it works fine. When I run it as a cron job, it runs fine right up to the moment
the result is saved, but then just quits, and doesn't run the rest
of the script.

Curl itself is doing what it's supposed to. Whatever comes AFTER
curl it in the script just never happens.

There must be something obvious I'm just missing, but I can't figure it out.
Any suggestions?


Bill Mercer - National Center for Construction Education and Research
3600 NW 43rd St
Gainesville, Florida 32606
Phone 352-334-0911 Fax 352-334-0932

Received on 2004-10-28