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Eclipse 3.0 Plug-in - libcurl jni interface

From: s.e.t.i. <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 09:47:36 -0700

  I've implemented the java jni interface from as an Eclipse 3.0 plug-in. I'd like
to know where I can post this to share with the community.

  The zip file contains:
    1) org.curl.1.0.0 plugin for Eclipse 3.0 or greater (not 2.x compatible)
    2) the Plugin Project itself for importing to your projects
    3) a Java Project that implements the obtained from the
aforementioned url.

  I plan on adding javadoc to the JNI and implementing some of the C
examples as java examples. I should have those later in the week
(that's the plan, anyway).

Cheers... s.e.t.i. (a.k.a. Vic Hanson)
Received on 2004-10-18